Custom R&D

Rusgraphene synthesizes graphene and other 2D materials with the parameters necessary for the customer to conduct fundamental and applied research:

  • Single layer CVD graphene on various substrates;
  • Graphene microparticles in the form of powder and suspension;
  • Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide;
  • Carbon quantum dots;
  • Single-layer films of molybdenum sulfide (MoS2) and tungsten sulfide (WS2).

Rusgraphene specialists have developed a unique technology for express synthesis of high-quality graphene without the use of explosive gases. On its basis, a compact, safe and energy-efficient plant for the production of graphene Graphene Submarine 2.0 was created and launched on the market.

The company "Rusgraphene" conducts fundamental and applied research, as well as development work to create innovative products and technologies based on graphene and other two-dimensional materials.

We will help you formulate a realistic technical task and implement the full R&D cycle on a modern scientific and production base, with the involvement of leading domestic experts, guaranteeing the safety of confidential information and high quality results.

We are open for cooperation and are ready to conduct joint research and development on mutually beneficial conditions.


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